Sunday, January 23, 2011


A wise mentor of mine recently explained something to me that has been very helpful in dealing with not only things said to me but things my children are saying to one another.  Darts.  Flaming darts that come at us like bolts of lightning.  The tongue is powerful and words can dig deep to places not usually touched by human hands.  Though we may think we have no control of what others say this is not entirely true.  We can't control people but we can make a choice on what we do with the words that are thrown at us.  As the darts fly our way they are unable to actual reach us unless we reach out and grab them.  Once in hand we must take the dart and stab ourselves with them.  Our other choice is to let me drop at our feet.  As they fall to the ground we can watch the embers burn out.  The power of the dart is gone and we have taken  control over what we let enter our hearts and minds.

I recently was able to share with my children the example of the darts and how they had to make a choice of whether to stab themselves or let it drop.  It is fun to watch their minds process as they consider what to do with the hurtful words one of their brothers may have attacked them with.  They have a sense of control and strength in knowing they have a choice.  I hope as they become men this will continue to be a relevant and useful tool.

So too the tongue is a small part of the body, yet it has great pretensions. Think how small a flame sets a huge forest ablaze. And the tongue is a fire!   James 3:5-6

Taking up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Ephesians 6:16